Soap – Oatmeal for All skin types


A soap made to soothe and smooth, improve tone and balance sebum production. It is a gentle yet effective cleanser which is kind to all skin types. Oatmeal acts as a gentle exfoliator, removing rough, dry and dead skin cells. Leaves you with a beautiful glow. Gentle exfoliation, made for sensitive skin. Fantastic for acne prone skin and as a facial cleanser, you will see the results for yourself as you watch your skin balance and glow.

  • All Natural
  • Vegan
  • Palm oil free
  • Cruelty free

Ingredients Organic Oat milk, Organic Oatmeal, Oils of Olive, Coconut, Rice bran, Castor, Hemp seed. Cocoa butter and Shea butter. All Organic

SKU: soap-2oat Category:


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